
Derek Shulman - lead vocals
Gary Green - electric & acoustic (7) guitars
Kerry Minnear - Hammond, piano & electric piano, synth
(1,4,7), Minimoog (3,6,8), percussion (8), clavinet &
backing vocals (6)
Ray Shulman - bass, 12-string guitar (7), percussion (8)
John Weathers - drums, tambourine, percussion, rhythm machine
1. Two Weeks In Spain
2. I'm Turning Around
3. Betcha Thought We Couldn't Do It
4. Who Do You Think You Are?
5. Mountain Time
6. As Old As You're Young
7. Memories Of Old Days
8. Winning
9. For Nobody

Dans ce neuvième album, Gentle Giant continue en roue libre la
descente amorcée dans "Interview", l'album précédent.
L'instrumentation autrefois très riche s'appauvrit définitivement
(exit les xylophones, flûtes, sax, violons, violoncelles et
mellotrons qui faisaient la spécificité du groupe).
The beginning of the end to many people's ears. As with ELP's Love Beach, while side one is a shameless commercial attempt for airplay and a 'wider audience'. side two of each album finds these bands focusing on what made the beloved on the first place. The side long four part suite "Memories of an Officer and Gentleman" could have easily been side three of ELP's Trilogy album. Side two of this album was on par with GG's recent great work and could have easily been side three of their Free Hand or Interview lps. 1/2 a great album is always better than a two-sided turd!